Equipment for the University Hospital in Cracow


The University Hospital (SU) in Cracow is one of the largest healthcare centers in the country. Thanks to the modernization and equipping the new headquarters, it plays a leading role in the practical training of medical staff, has a real impact on the level of service provision in the region, and is a clinical base for scientific research conducted by the employees of the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Medicum. The project included the purchase of equipment for the new headquarters, apparatus, medical equipment and medical devices in the following areas: hospital outpatient clinics, angiography, hospital pharmacy, blood bank, serology, operating theater, brachytherapy, central sterilization room, diagnostic imaging, electrocardiology, hemodynamics, hyperbaric, chamber admissions, medical laboratories, nuclear medicine, bed wards, anesthesiology and intensive care unit, endoscopy laboratories, rehabilitation, dialysis station, hospital emergency ward, teleradiotherapy and dissecting pathology ward.

Now the hospital structure includes fully-equipped 43 hospital wards, 51 specialist clinics and 9 facilities. The bed base includes 1 345 stationary beds and 225 day places. Employment amounts to over 4,000 people. Many hospital procedures are unique, such as adult bone marrow transplants, oncological liver and pancreatic surgery, and minimally invasive cancer surgery procedures. The Breast Unit center hospital accredited by the SIS (International School of Senology) organizations, now operates within the hospital’s structures, along with the Center for Extracorporeal Techniques for patients under intensive care. What is more, the University Hospital was admitted as a member of two European Reference Networks for rare diseases – in the field of neurology and metabolic diseases, thus becoming a national center.


Name of the beneficiary: SPZOZ Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie
The title of the project: Equipping the new headquarters of the Cracow-Prokocim University Hospital
The value of co-financing from the European Union: 244,4 mln PLN
Project value: 290 mln PLN